
Training on topics relevant to ministry in South West Sydney.

Tuesday 14 January

How to evangelise in a world that thinks it has it all

Wednesday 15 January

Improving your Bible talks for kids and youth

How to use your finances wisely for the kingdom of God

What does God say about abortion/euthanasia? Why life and death matters and how to stand for truth in a godless world

Evangelism amongst 2nd generation migrants: Juggling 2 worlds

Thursday 16 January

Running great small groups in kids and youth ministry

Evangelism and Discipleship of everyday people

Mental health and evangelism: How can we show and share the love of Jesus in difficult times

Friday 17 January

Playing games for discipleship purposes: What games and activities should we play in our programs?

The 3 R’s of Parenting: Relationships, self-regulation and self-reflection

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few": How to think about full time ministry.

Godly leadership in confusing times: self awareness and understanding people with different perspectives to you.